
My Soul Shall Be Healed

My Soul Shall Be Healed - Book about "Ecclesia de Eucharistia"Terry Modica’s study guide about Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church of the Eucharist) enables readers to enter more fully into the mystery of the Eucharist and deepen their intimacy with Christ while enriching their celebration of Holy Mass.

My Soul Shall Be Healed explains in ordinary language how to understand the very important Church document Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church of the Eucharist). You’ll be able to apply it to your every-day life in today’s world. You’ll discover how to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. You’ll learn why Catholicism teaches that the Eucharist as the “source and summit of the Christian life”. You’ll find out – with clarity — what Catholics believe and do not believe about the Eucharist. And you’ll gain a deep appreciation for the reason why only Catholic priests can consecrate the communion elements alongside the important role you have, with the whole community, in the Eucharistic celebration.

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Published in 2021.

30 Days to  the Father’s Heart

This book will help you experience the wonderfulness of the True Father’s heart so that your faith can be set free to reach its full potential. It’s an inspirational guide to healing that will enable you to experience God the Father as he truly is, using scriptures, true life stories, and theological reflection. In it, we’ll identify and overcome the most common misconceptions that interfere with faith in God.

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    • Discover how much God the Father cares about you — it’s way more than you imagine!
    • Embrace your true self as the Father’s beloved child and become fully what he designed you to be.
    • Heal from the dissatisfaction and disappointments that happen in every relationship by opening up to God’s perfect love.

Published in 2021.

30 Days to the Father's Heart

View Terry Modica’s Press Kit.